Modern Tactical

7 Things Bananas Can Do For Your Health

Last post: 4 years ago Posts: 1 Views: 1,200
  • Bananas, the healthy snack

    This seemingly insignificant fruit is an incredible source of essential vitamins and minerals. With it, you can fight disease, sleep better and keep your body healthy and strong. Take a look at seven amazing things bananas can do for you.

    Fight Insomnia
    Bananas are a great source of tryptophan. Try to eat one in the evening if you are having trouble sleeping. If you like peanut butter, you can spread a little on a banana for an extra tryptophan boost.

    Regulate Your Stomach
    Bananas also contain prebiotics and probiotics, according to WebMD. Prebiotics are food for probiotics, helping your stomach keep alive and well those good bacteria that are needed for proper digestion.

    Replace Sports Drinks
    Harvard Medical School reports that bananas are a great source of carbohydrates, potassium, manganese, and magnesium (to name a few) actually better for athletes than sports drinks to replace the nutrients burned during exercise. Since bananas have no added sugar and are rich in antioxidants, they should be considered as an effective alternative to sports drinks.

    Fight Heart Disease
    The antioxidants available in bananas are directly linked to reducing the risk of heart disease. It is recommended to add bananas into your diet.

    A Source of Nutrition
    Bananas are an energy force that contains “Potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin and B6.” This fruit is almost better than multivitamins.

    Regulate Diabetes
    Green bananas contain a large source of resistant starch, which helps diabetics to be more sensitive to their insulin. The greener the banana, the higher the amount of resistant starch the banana has. However, a word of caution, because all of this works is not yet fully understood because it has not been sufficiently studied. Talk to your doctor if you want to try green bananas.

    Reduce Cramps
    The potassium contained in a banana may be just what you need to reduce the cramps you experience with PMS or after a long workout. If you also have a problem with bloating during PMS, the vitamin B6 contained in bananas has an effect on that as well.
