Modern Tactical

Funding ideas for volunteers, nonprofits and even individuals

Last post: 2 years ago Posts: 4 Views: 6,661
  • The coronavirus outbreak financially impacted agencies across the country – esp. Volunteer Fire Departments and other support teams since much of their annual budgets comes from community fundraisers like raffles, dinners, street fairs and other public functions. 

    Fedhealth has an easy way to help complement fundraising efforts for volunteers (VFDs, CERTs, SARs, etc.) and others (including individuals) just by spreading the word about our customizable preparedness and first aid book and PDF ebook.

    2020 books usfra ebook

    Volunteers and others can…

    • Earn 15% on referred bulk paperback orders and 30% on referred bulk ebook orders!
    • Raise funds without taking orders, collecting money, etc.;
    • Just refer businesses, agencies and groups to or ph# 520.907.2153;
    • Fedhealth does ALL the work including providing and helping referrals with free customization!

    For example, say a VFD or CERT refers a county agency (Health Dept or EMA)

    • County calls Fedhealth direct and wants 5,000 books
    • Cost for custom books:   $  30,000  (5,000 x $6.00 / book plus free customization)
    • Total amount earned (15%) for Referral: $  4,500

    Or a K9 unit refers a county agency (Health Dept or EMA)

    • County calls Fedhealth direct and wants 30,000 interactive PDF ebooks
    • Cost for custom ebooks: $ 105,000 (5,000 x $3.50 / ebook plus free customization)
    • Total amount earned (30%) for Referral: $ 31,500

    And, if agencies or groups cannot take cash donations, Fedhealth can purchase needed equipment or supplies or provide that value in books or ebooks that can be used however you wish. 

    There's also an easy Affiliate Program where you can earn 40% of ebook orders using a special link on your site or social media!

    Learn more, download a free portion of the book and find some handouts to share with others at or call 520-907-2153 so Fedhealth can help support YOUR organization and get our country more prepared for emergencies and disasters.

    Proceeds benefit the U.S. First Responders Association

    Download & share above in a 1-pg PDF ==>  referral pgm examples.pdf

    Basic handout VFDs, CERTs and others can use to share ideas is
    ==> basic handout.pdf  

  • cool thx ...

  • I added a 1-page PDF link at bottom of above post explaining this easy funding idea (or download it >>>  referral pgm examples.pdf ) ~ j

  • I added another 1-pg PDF link at bottom of above post with a 1-pg handout in case VFDs, CERTs, SARs or others would like to share with local contacts to earn $ (or download it >>> basic handout.pdf )