Modern Tactical

Participate in Crash Responder Safety Week Nov. 8-14

Last post: 3 years ago Posts: 1 Views: 2,081
  • Crash Responder Safety Week

    Ensure safe responses at roadway incident scenes

    The goal of Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW) is to reach out to every emergency responder, every driver and every passenger to educate them on how to play their part in ensuring safe responses at roadway incidents.

    Why is CRSW important?

    Emergency responders (police, fire, medical, etc.) risk being killed or injured by passing vehicles when on the scene of a roadside emergency. 50 responders so far this year have been killed when struck by a vehicle while responding to a roadway incident, according to the Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI).

    CRSW (formerly known as National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week) is an opportunity to make a difference individually and jointly for roadway safety during traffic incidents by teaching each other and the motoring public about the common goal and responsibility for safe, quick clearance.

    4 ways emergency response agencies can participate in CRSW

    1. Watch the recorded Facebook Live discussion, co-hosted by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and ERSI.
    2. Join the ERSI's National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training Certificate Challenge or follow one of ERSI's topic plans. All of ERSI's training resources are free and available through its website and its Responder Safety Learning Network.
    3. During the week, when posting on social media about your responder safety and TIM activities, include the hashtag #CRSW.

      Use the social media toolkit provided by the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) National CRSW Committee. It features day-of-week themes:
      • Monday, Nov. 8 – Governor's Proclamations or Multiagency Press Release.
      • Tuesday, Nov. 9 – Slow Down, Move Over.
      • Wednesday, Nov. 10 – Responder Training.
      • Thursday, Nov. 11 – Honoring Veterans.
      • Friday, Nov. 12 – Recognizing Responders.
      • Saturday, Nov. 13 – Traffic Incident Awareness.
      • Sunday, Nov. 14 – Driver Education.
    4. Visit the NOCoE's TIM webpage and ERSI's CRSW webpage for more information on the event and the programs it supports.
    5. For more information

      Visit our emergency vehicle and roadway operations safety webpage for:

    • A Slow Down, Move Over graphic you can share with your community on social media.
    • A handout for responders on the basics of emergency vehicle and roadway operations safety, including the roles of drivers, passengers and the officer in charge.
    • Manuals on emergency vehicle safety, safe operation of fire tankers, TIM and vehicle visibility and conspicuity.