- University of Pennsylvania’s Oncolink
- Mayo Clinic
- Intelihealth - www.intelihealth.com
- American Institute for Cancer Research - www.aicr.org
- American Thoracic Society - www.thoracic.org
- Canadian Cancer Society - www.cancer.ca
- ChemoCare - www.chemocare.com
- Malignant Mesothelioma - at Mesothelioma Aid
- Mesothelioma glossary
The University of Chicago Mesothelioma Program
A dedicated team of medical oncologists, surgeons, nurses, pathologists, imaging specialists and scientists who use a team approach to treat patients, investigate treatments, and develop novel treatment protocols that extend lives. - Virtual Hospital Mesothelioma Information - From the University of Iowa The Virtual Hospital provides overview information about Mesothelioma and its treatment.
Sometimes people with serious illnesses would like to speak with others in the same situation. The following organizations attempt to match people with similar situations looking for mutual support.
Anderson Network (cancer)
Phone : 1-800-345-6324 (Toll Free)
Website: www.mdanderson.org/andersonnetwork
The Anderson Network, part of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Center in Houston has a database of 700 cancer survivors.
Cancer Hope Network (cancer)
Phone: 1-877-HOPENET (Toll Free)
Website: www.cancerhopenet.org
Cancer Hope Network has a database of 325 patients representing 45 cancers.
Med Help Int'l Patient Network (all illnesses)
- mesocare.org. We are a public service geared towards helping veterans as well as other individuals who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and we are trying to get the word to them so we can help. We are actually founded by 2 Navy Vets who had a vision of helping their fellow brothers in arms. We help them with benefits, finding doctors and cancer centers as well as guiding them through the financial assistance process to help them to find grants and assistance for medical bills, hospice care and living expenses.
- Mesotheliomahelp.org. The organizations mission is to spread awareness and provide information to individuals who might have experienced Asbestos exposure, which leads to the deadly cancer of Mesothelioma.