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FEMA Hosts HURREVAC Webinar Series

Posted by Janet Liebsch - May 03, 2022 2:37 PM

From June 6 – 10, 2022 FEMA's National Hurricane Program will host a five-day HURREVAC training for emergency managers.

Each day, sessions will start at 2 p.m. ET and run 60–90 minutes. The webinars will cover a specific theme introduced by guest speakers from FEMA, NOAA National Hurricane Center or U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

Webinar topics include:

  • Introduction to HURREVAC and Overview of the National Hurricane Program: June 6.
  • Wind Forecast Features: June 7.
  • Evacuation Timing Features: June 8.
  • Storm Surge and Other Water Hazards: June 9.
  • Exercise Tools and Applying HURREVAC: June 10.

HURREVAC is a free web-based decision-support tool that assists emergency managers by providing information and tools to inform hurricane response decisions in advance of a threatening storm. Interested emergency managers can register now for this annual HURREVAC webinar series.

Learning how to use HURREVAC can help emergency managers prepare for and execute tough evacuation decisions when a hurricane threatens. In addition to operational decision-making, HURREVAC can be used for training, exercises and hurricane preparedness and planning efforts.

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