Law Enforcement Central

Oxnard Police Officer Corteny Robbs

Added by Fyre Walker - March 27, 2022 3:26 PM



Corteny was born here in Oxnard. She attended Oxnard High School, Channel Islands High School (where she played Point Guard on the Varsity Basketball team), and Oxnard College. She says her interest in law enforcement stemmed from experiences in her up-bringing. According to Corteny, “My mother was the best example of strength and independence. She taught me to be resilient and seek a better life. I wanted to pursue a career as a Peace Officer and honor her by choosing a different path for myself while becoming a positive role model for my nieces and nephews, and now most importantly for my son.

”Officer Robbs began her career with Oxnard P.D. in 2019, and enjoys interacting and engaging with the community she grew up in. She says, “As officers, we have a really tough job. But, the positive interactions with the community, the youth engagement, and the act of saving a life makes all the difference. Being an officer can definitely be rewarding.” She looks forward to continuing her education and working toward advancing in her law enforcement experience and career - hoping to someday be assigned to the Drug Enforcement Unit.

Corteny says, “Having experienced loved ones suffer with drug addiction, I have a high interest in the Narcotics unit. ”On days off, she enjoys working out and going on outdoor adventures with her wife, their 5-month-old son, and two pups: Marley and Ziggy (named after their favorite Reggae artists). She teases that her favorite thing to do these days is conquering late-night feedings, early-morning fussing, diaper blowouts, and everything else that comes with the joy of motherhood. Corteny and her wife also love to attend annual reggae festivals and local shows. She notes, “My family is big on Reggae. The music reminds us to stay positive and humble. We’re all about peace, love, and acceptance.”

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