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  • Living Room Pundit’s Guide to Soros District Attorneys

Living Room Pundit’s Guide to Soros District Attorneys

Last post: February 12, 2022 10:21 AM Posts: 2 Views: 432
  • The Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the Jussie Smollet hoax, the attack on the Waukesha Christmas parade, the organized mob lootings in San Francisco, and now the indictment of the Baltimore district attorney have each attracted national attention and spotlighted an issue that many in law enforcement and politics have been warning of for years: the threat of activist district attorneys (DAs).

    Specifically, the public imagination has been captured by the stories of activist DAs backed by the shadowy figure of George Soros.

    Many have heard of him, and most understand that he spends millions on U.S. politics, but very few know the specifics. As a result, Soros has become something of a folklore monster whose reputation often exceeds reality.

    But when it comes to Soros’s involvement in backing left-wing district attorneys, Soros really is the archvillain that rumor makes him out to be.

    In fact, Soros’s influence on left-wing DA candidates is often wildly underestimated. Since 2016, when Soros first began to back the campaigns of district attorneys (presumably as part of the “Resistance” to the Trump administration), CRC researchers have tracked more than $29 million in funding from Soros through a personal network of political action committees (PACs) formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates. In total, Soros cash has generously supported over 20 individual candidates, many of whom won their elections and remain in office today.

    Read the list here: https://capitalresearch.org/article/living-room-pundits-guide-to-soros-district-attorneys/

  • and backed a bunch of Secretary of State positions past few decades (SOS' oversee elections)...  

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