Seniors Life & Fire Safety

Resources for Seniors

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  • Aging Solutions
    Providing care for our aging parents can often be very frustrating, with new surprises almost every day. Whether you care for aging parents in your home, or manage elder care plans from a distance, most of us don't know where to go for reliable answers ... or even what questions to ask.

    U.S. Administration on Aging

    National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab

    We are a non profit organization with a mission to educate and provide assistance to seniors struggling addiction as well as caregivers and family members with concerns. Our primary objective is to effectively halt the growing silent epidemic of senior addiction.

    AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over.
    AARP is dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service.
    AARP also provides a wide range of unique benefits, special products, and services for our members.

    National Council for Aging Care
    Aging In Place connects seniors, families, and caretakers with the information and professional support they need to make the best decision for their physical, emotional, and financial well being. Our resources and network of experts help ensure your home evolves to best accommodate your changing budget, mobility, and health.

    Medicare is an insurance program. Medical bills are paid from trust funds which those covered have paid into. It serves people over 65 primarily, whatever their income; and serves younger disabled people and dialysis patients. Patients pay part of costs through deductibles for hospital and other costs. Small monthly premiums are required for non-hospital coverage. Medicare is a federal program. It is basically the same everywhere in the United States and is run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the federal government.

    Medicaid is an assistance program. Medical bills are paid from federal, state and local tax funds. It serves low-income people of every age. Patients usually pay no part of costs for covered medical expenses. A small co-payment is sometimes required. Medicaid is a federal-state program. It varies from state to state. It is run by state and local governments within federal guidelines.

    U.S. Social Security Administration

    TRICARE for Life
    TRICARE For Life (TFL) is Medicare-wraparound coverage available to:

    • Medicare-eligible uniformed service retirees, including retired guard members and reservists,
    • Medicare-eligible family members and widows/widowers (dependent parents and parents-in-law are excluded),
    • Medicare-eligible Congressional Medal of Honor recipients and their family members
    • Certain Medicare-eligible unremarried former spouses.

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