Claudia Alba @ClaudiaAlba

CFAH, or the Center for Effective Drug Control, has been doing research and monitoring reports on CBD supplements for several years. Unfortunately for parents, CFAH has a long track record of issuing reports that are more politically expedient than informative. For example, one of their reports stated that CBD was a "cure all" for ADD and ADHD and recommended that children with the disorders should be placed in the stroller while out shopping. As you might expect from such politically correct recommendations, the sales pitch for CFAH products is not based on sound science. Indeed, the CFAH website promoting their CBD review websites makes no mention of potential side effects associated with taking CBD as a child.

The websites themselves encourage parents to purchase CFAH CBD products based on unsolicited sales pitches. In addition, there is nothing to indicate that these products are developed by credible scientists. A cursory review of the CFAH website reveals that they are a collaboration of pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals, and drug repressors, which could not be further from the truth.

CFAH experts report that many CBD review websites are being distributed by pharmaceutical and medical companies to generate CBD sales leads. In addition, some of these review websites are being distributed by persons who are not qualified as health care professionals but have a financial stake in the product being promoted. It is important to note that the U.S. FDA does not regulate CBD products, so it is up to parents to make sure that the products being recommended to them are true, safe, and effective.

Another significant problem with CFAH expert reviewers is that they lack transparency. CFAH expert reviewers typically disclose only the product name, number of ingredients, and quantity of each ingredient. Very few review websites provide additional information, such as a list of manufacturers or distributors of the product. This lack of disclosure may lead parents to incorrectly believe that CFAH CBD products are effective for children with autism. In reality, however, there is no evidence that CBD products are effective for children with autism spectrum disorder. The absence of disclosure by CFAH expert reviewers also prevents parents from making informed decisions about CFAH CBD.

Not only are some CFAH expert reviewers promoting drugs that are potentially dangerous for children, but some CFAH review websites are offering free trials of products that are not approved by the FDA. Some of these products are "herbal" supplements, which lack the safety and the proper dosage guidelines found in prescription drugs. The CFAH website encourages parents to purchase "safe and effective" CFAH CBD products, but there is no indication that these products are effective. In many instances, CFAH products such as herbal dietary supplements may cause serious adverse reactions in both children and adults if used without professional medical supervision. For this reason, CFAH expert reviewers are specifically cautioning parents to never use CFAH CBD products that are not intended for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or people who should not consume CBD because of possible side effects.

It is important for CFAH supporters to be aware that despite the claims of CFAH expert reviewers, CFAH CBD does not contain CBD. CBD is a psychoactive substance that has been found in high concentrations in hemp and marijuana, both of which are the primary ingredients found in CFAH supplements. Further, the CBD is not proven to benefit children with autism spectrum disorder. Rather, CFAH review websites encourage parents to focus on the benefits of CFAH products, including their safety, and to consider CFAH as a safer alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and other risky alternatives.

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