Recently a dear friend & colleague of mine passed away unexpectedly. He was a Santa Barbara County Park Ranger at the time. I wanted to take a minute to post this here as many are still grieving his loss to include his two adolescent daughters. May he rest in peace. He was honored & awarded post-posthumously only a few days later for an unrelated incident in 2021, where as his quick action… Mores of applying a tourniquet to a victim of a fatal accident saved their life. I should note Tony was off duty. The surviving victim recovered from his near fatal wounds due to his actions. Anthony (Tony) was awarded (among several others) annual ceremony by: Sheriff Bill Brown who presented the Lifesaving award to members of the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office, members of allied agencies or civilians who perform CPR or other lifesaving first aid procedures upon ill or injured persons, resulting in the individual surviving their immediate injury or medical emergency. rAME
21 Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept recruits injured after being struck by a vehicle during early morning run. LA Co Fire says 7 are critical, 4 being treated for "immediate" injuries and 10 have minor injuries. (About 40 and 50 recruits were running in a pack before dawn.) Driver in custody but still breaking ~ j yNMv
This memorial serves to honor the 2,996 people killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York city, Arlington, Virginia and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Active and retired career firefighters who, aside from the brotherhood of being a firefighter, share a passion for the job and a commitment to our communities. Feel free to share photos, stories, training tactics and humor.
This is what I believe: We hold the line together on our journeys to healing with PTSD/TBI.We are united through something which was not our choice to live with.We can be heroes for each other. We can heal together.We support each no matter what line we hold. We have each others six.
About USFRA The U.S. First Responders Association (USFRA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, professional and social network of fire, EMS, law enforcement, 911/dispatch, and military personnel, as well as veterans and civilian volunteers. USFRA brings together professionals from many diverse fields ...