Join the U.S. First Responders Association in our Halloween 2022 Photo Contest by sharing costume photos of you, your kids, family and/or pets in the comments below or on our USFRA Facebook or Twitter pinned posts by midnight Oct 31, 2021 for a chance to win 1 of 4 prizes!
On Nov 1st, USFRA will draw 2 winners (1 Grand Prize and 1 Runner Up) from member photos posted in comments here … and draw 2 winners from photos posted on our social media accounts Facebook @ USFRAorg1 or Twitter @ usfraorg
(Note: Sharing multiple photos is ok but your name/ID is only entered once in drawing.)
You will need to join to post your photo in the comments of this blog. (It's free to join!)
Prizes will be awarded to the Grand Prize and Runner up drawn winners from BOTH our site and from social media posts for a total of 4 winners:
- GRAND PRIZE: Each gets a $100 Visa gift card + a USFRA t-shirt
- RUNNER UP: Each gets a $50 Visa gift card + a USFRA t-shirt

Prizes eligible for U.S. residents only. Please only post your photos (no copyrighted pics) since we’ll be sharing them with our fans and on our site.
Share this post with others so they can join in on the fun but they MUST join first to post photos here, or on our social media posts about this contest.
Good luck ~ USFRA staff