Leave a comment, preparedness tip or photo of your pet(s) for a chance to win each week’s prizes in USFRA’s National Preparedness Month “Get Pup-pared” Contest!

Cooper (USFRA spokes-pup) wants everyone to get pup-pared for emergencies and disasters using Ready’s weekly theme and our free preparedness ebook (link below).
Each week we’ll post a photo with Ready’s theme and, if you leave a comment, preparedness tip and/or a photo, you’ll be included in our weekly drawing.
Each Sunday USFRA will randomly choose 1 winner from our various sites and social media ids who will receive the prize bundle shown in that week's photo.
Congrats to Pat V. , Tena C. and Sonya L. – our week 1, 2 & 3 winners! (Note: All commenters will receive a complimentary 280+ page Family Preparedness and first aid manual in PDF.)
Download and share a free 64-page portion of our preparedness and first aid manual here, and leave a comment below each week for a chance to win USFRA's weekly prize bundle!

Congratulations to Sonya L. - Week 3 winner from Facebook!

Congratulations to Tena C. - Week 2 winner from Twitter!
Congratulations to Pat V. - Week 1 winner from Facebook!
Stay safe ~ Cooper & USFRA staff