4-Part Interview & Interrogation Series
Calibre Press announces a special 4-part series focused on the top tier techniques used by law enforcement’s most successful investigators.
Learn to leverage the proven skills that surface more accurate, detailed and sensitive information. Covering an impressive span of basic to more specialized strategies, this series will develop and strengthen your ability to effectively conduct thorough interviews and interrogations.

Module 1:
Interview & Interrogation in Action: Real World Case Study
[Note: Module 1 was presented live on Dec. 2, 2020. If you attended that event this will be a repeat.]
Through step-by-step discussion and actual video recordings, Instructor Steve Johnson walks students through the interview & interrogation processes he was directly involved in that led to the discovery of a missing 17-year-old after a 26-year-old teacher confessed to killing her. Although believed dead, the girl was actually still alive when investigators found her.
In this module, Steve will answer questions like:
- How can you prevent false confessions?
- How can you ensure your approach to questioning is legal?
- What’s the difference between voluntary and in-custody interviews/interrogations and street vs. interrogation room settings?
- What’s the best approach to closing an interrogation?
- What are the qualities of a great interviewer?
- Why do suspects confess?
Date: Thursday, Jan 21 1pm - 4pm CST
Length: 3 hrs. – Live online
Tuition: $119 per officer Certificates will be provided within 7 days of the class

Module 2:
Interview & Interrogation: Detecting Deception
Students will learn proven techniques that help identify and counter attempts at deception. Among the topics covered:
- Statement analysis: Learn to filter what people are telling and determine whether their comments are designed to help you get to the truth or drive you from it.
- Strategic questioning: Learn to craft questions that effectively hone in on areas of concern for a suspect – specifically, information and details they don’t want to give you – and trigger unconsciously nervous behavior that can serve as red flags.
- Developing themes: Deceptive people often share a mixture of truth and lies when answering questions and sharing information. Learn to use informational “themes” to help identify truthful information and information they want to protect, not reveal.
Date: Thursday, Jan 28 1pm - 4pm CST
Length: 3 hrs. – Live online
Tuition: $119 per officer Certificates will be provided within 7 days of the class

Module 3:
Interview & Interrogation: Understanding Human Behavior & Body Language
Increasing the depth and accuracy of information someone is giving you and recognizing and interpreting messages you may be receiving through non-verbal language are crucial skills for effective interviews and interrogations. In this module we’ll cover:
- Cognitive Interviewing: This scientifically based approach greatly improves the amount and accuracy of information interview subjects can honestly remember and can be effectively used to trip up those who are trying to deceive you.
- Interpersonal communications: Communication goes far beyond speaking. Learn to fully understand the language of behavior and body language to gain more information, know when to dig deeper into specific questioning and to discern truth from lies.
Date: Thursday, Feb 11 1pm - 4pm CST
Length: 3 hrs. – Live online
Tuition: $119 per officer Certificates will be provided within 7 days of the class

Module 4:
Interview & Interrogation: Building Rapport
The ability to emotionally engage a subject is one of the most powerful skills you can have when it comes to interviews and interrogations. Learning to establish trust, gain credibility and build a “bond” with your subject can pay serious dividends. In this module you’ll learn to:
- Develop and leverage specific types of questions designed to ethically, legally and effectively elicit admissions of involvement, awareness of details and truthful admissions of guilt.
- Confront deceptive denials in a way that demonstrates acute alertness to lying and deflates a subject’s belief that he can lie to you.
- Deflect questions posed by an interviewee and maintain proactive control over the direction of questioning.
- Understand and evaluate the elements of Neurolinguistic Programming and consider the impact it may have on your interviews and interrogations.
Date: Thursday, Feb 25 1pm - 4pm CST
Length: 3 hrs. – Live online
Tuition: $119 per officer Certificates will be provided within 7 days of the class

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact
linda@calibrepress.com or 630.460.3247