Disaster Preparedness

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A tsunami [soo-nah´-mee] is a series of huge, destructive waves caused by an undersea disturbance from an earthquake, volcano, landslide, or e...
Janet Liebsch 3 years ago
1 1036
The images of disasters pull on people’s heartstrings causing those outside of the impacted area to want to do something to help. Unfortu...
Janet Liebsch • Reply by Bob Allard 3 years ago
2 841
Most of us have seen a tornado on the news and the Internet, but a vast majority of people have never personally witnessed the power and de...
Janet Liebsch • Reply by Bob Allard 4 years ago
2 1087
A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a reservoir of molten rock (like a huge pool of melted rocks) below the earth’s surface. Unlike...
Janet Liebsch • Reply by Bob Allard 4 years ago
2 1705
This Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time meaning most people will gain an hour when they “fall back”. While you are changing your c...
Janet Liebsch 4 years ago
1 894
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), over a typical 2-year period, the U.S. coastline is struck by an a...
Janet Liebsch 4 years ago
1 1870