Disaster Preparedness

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  • Remember to change your batteries and clocks + check your preparedness stocks this weekend

Remember to change your batteries and clocks + check your preparedness stocks this weekend

Last post: 4 years ago Posts: 1 Views: 907
  • time change

    This Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time meaning most people will gain an hour when they “fall back”.

    While you are changing your clocks, it’s also a great time to change the batteries in detectors, and check and rotate items in your disaster kits, bug out bags and other preparedness supply stashes.

    Some things to consider doing this weekend include…

    • Change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors around your home. And remember to test them at least once a month and replace your detectors every 10 years.
    • Also test and rotate batteries in your Weather Radios so you’re ready for old man winter.
    • Check and rotate out water, food, medications and other items in your home, vehicle, office and locker preparedness kits. And remember to include items for your pets!
    • If you don’t already run monthly or quarterly drills, prepare and practice escape plans so you and your loved ones can get out of your home safely in case of fire. Tips: Draw a floor plan of your home showing doors, windows and stairways. Mark locations of first aid and disaster kits, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, ladders, and utility shut-off points. Next, use a colored pen to draw a broken line charting at least 2 escape routes from each room. Then practice, practice, practice!
    • Update your Family Emergency Plan (e.g. confirm meeting places [esp with your children in case you are separated during an emergency], ensure all phone numbers are current, etc.)
    • Go through your Important Family Documents to make sure everything is current (e.g. wills, insurance policies, immunization and medical data, credit card #s, recent photos of family and pets, etc.) And if you gave copies of this data to any other family members, make sure they get the updates too.

    For more information about how to make a Family Emergency Plan and tips on developing kits, visit www.usfra.org/fedhealth and download a free 67-page ebook compliments of the U.S. First Responders Association.

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