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NJ Fire Dept / Commissioners Battle

Posted by Fyre Walker - June 10, 2024 11:01 AM

Some tough times in East Franklin NJ as the district Fire Commissioners and one of the two fire companies who cover the district have some major contract disagreements and “the clock” is ticking.

If East Franklin sounds familiar, keep reading.

Several claim the battle got ugly when allegedly some of the firefighters supported some other fire district commission candidates —- who ended up losing the election —-and the East Franklin Firefighters are now apparently paying the political price.

We have some links below that help explain both sides and the issues including potentially crossed lines as far as legal/lawful roles and responsibilities.




If East Franklin sounds familiar, it is where Firefighter Foreman Kevin Apuzzio was killed in the Line of Duty on April 11, 2006. He was killed during the attempted rescue of a confirmed woman trapped in a dwelling fire. Both Kevin and the woman he was in the process of rescuing, tragically perished.

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