We are our Brother's Keeper

Added by Fyre Walker - January 01, 2021 10:22 PM

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Remember that first morning you walked into the station. The smell of coffee brewing, the sound of doors being shut after morning checkoffs, the joking between the guys changing shifts. Remember your first day as a volunteer. Remember guys gathered for training . Remember the feeling you had. Remember the pride of having the greatest job in the world. Remember the smile on your face the first time riding backwards emergency traffic. Remember the excitement of that first call. Remember it all... and never let it fade. Keep the fire burning. Give as much effort on your last day as you did on your first. Have as much pride in your 10th year as you did in your first year. Keep your head up. Give it all you got for THEM every time you get into that rig whether it’s the 1st time or the 10,000th time. Remember that it’s not about ourselves, but about THEM!

Get out, do work, get after it, give some sweat, be a brother, and never let fade the fire inside your heart


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