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  • Jagermeister Cold Brew Coffee campaigns continue to help our heroes in 2021-2022

Jagermeister Cold Brew Coffee campaigns continue to help our heroes in 2021-2022

Last post: 2 years ago Posts: 9 Views: 1,561
  • Throughout 2021 Jägermeister did retail campaigns in 11 states around the U.S. where $1 for every bottle of Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee sold during certain periods will be donated to the U. S. First Responders Association. In most states, one of their distributor partners -- Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits -- is either matching the amounts or contributing funds as well.

    Once USFRA receives funds from each campaign, we then distribute donations to some first responder groups / agencies in each respective state (i.e. Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia.)

    We'll update this post with the department / group names (and some photos) of ones chosen within each state in the coming weeks so check back often. (Note: Several of the donations will be presented in 2022.)

    Below are some signage and displays MJUS shared with us ... and thank you Mast-Jägermeister, SGWS and partners for your continued support of our nation's first responders!

    MJUS USFRA 2021 retail poster

    MJ First Responder retail pgm ID

    MJ First Responder retail pgm OR-2

    MJ First Responder retail pgm cooler

    MJ First Responder retail pgm NH
  • Numbers are in for 9 of the 11 states, several USFRA donation checks are in transit or delivered to Jagermeister Area Managers who are arranging meetups with local first responders so stay tuned for updates and photos coming soon!! ~ j

  • Medford Rural Fire Protection District 2 (MRFPD2) received a $1000 donation from USFRA, Jägermeister and SGWS. (For every bottle of Jägermeister sold in Oregon, Jägermeister and SGWS donated $1 each to the US First Responders Association. USFRA then helped OR Area Manager Ryan C. arrange two $1k donations to MRFPD and Silverton Firefighters Association.) 

    medford fd or mjus-3
  • Earlier this year Solon Firefighters Association received a $1000 donation from USFRA, Jägermeister and SGWS. (For every bottle of Jägermeister sold in Iowa, Jägermeister and SGWS donated $1 each to the US First Responders Association. USFRA then helped Iowa Area Manager Ryan C. arrange a $1k donation to SFA through Greg Morris for Solon Fire Dept's new firehouse. Read more on EastCentralIowaNews.com ) ~ j

    solon fire ia mjus

    Building as of Mar 2022

    solon fire ia mjus-2

    Building as of early Jun 2022 (they'll be moving there in July I believe!)

    solon fire ia mjus-3

  • A couple great photos from MJ Area Manager Ben Roy of the USFRA, Jägermeister and SGWS donation to New Boston (NH) Fire Association. (I'll be adding more pics / posts soon!) ~ j

    new boston fd nh mjus

    new boston fd nh mjus-2
  • OMG! How cool is this?? Thanks for posting Janet!

  • ikr @TrayceeBiancamano and Ben has one more donation to do next week in NH then I'll post recap of entire program in newsroom, on FB, etc. :) 

  • @JanetLiebsch  way to go ladies, good job!

  • This is the cool t-shirt Jagermeister Area Managers gave to first responders when they presented MJUS-USFRA donations to select agencies in various states explained above. (I wore my shirt recently at a local event ... front has Jagermeister logo and back has our seal + message.) :)

    MJUS retail pgm tshirt j front back

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