This is the cool t-shirt Jagermeister Area Managers gave to first responders when they presented MJUS-USFRA donations to select agencies in various states explained above. (I wore my shirt recently ...
Mast-Jägermeister is a premiere partner of the U.S. First Responders Association, and MJ's generous contributions and creative programs have been helping USFRA and first responders across the nation for years.
Jagermeister Cold Brew Coffee campaigns continue to help our heroes in 2021-2022
Cold Brew Coffee campaign helps MI First Responders 2020
Cold Brew Coffee campaign helps NH First Responders 2020
Helping hometown heroes in Westchester County NY 2020
#850Strong relief efforts for Louisiana after Hurricane Laura 2020
Donation to LAEPF and Malibu West Volunteer Fire Brigade 2019
Dallas Stars and Jagermeister First Responders Night Mar 2019
First Responder Thank You event in Panama City FL Dec 2018