brian farrell @BrianFarrell


BioThe Terry Farrell Firefighters Scholarship Fund, Inc. shall operate to assist the first responder community. The Fund shall operate as a volunteer organization, maintaining limited administrative budgets. The Fund shall administer grants •SCHOLARSHIPS: shall be awarded to children of firefighters •MEDICAL EMERGENCY GRANTS: firefighter’s family •EQUIPMENT GRANTS: assist with fire service equipment, apparatus, protective clothing •TRAINING GRANTS: supply at no cost, training materials & instructors •MENTAL HEALTH TRIANING & COUNSELING: provide licensed mental health professionals to train and provide confidential one on one counseling •YOUTH PROGRAMS: establish after school programs to train high school students • DISASTER RESPONSE & SUPPORT: The Fund’s volunteers shall respond to natural disasters •SURPLUS EQUIPMENT PROGRAM: collect and redistribute good serviceable tools, gear and equipment
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Fire-Rescue
Rank/Positionchairman Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund
Certificationslaw degree St. John's U ff1 NYS
Agency or Base of OperationsBethpage NY
Civilian Support TeamCERT
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Why did I join USFRACommunity Outreach
Heroesall first responders & military
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Stumbled Upon