Building Science Authority @BuildingScienceAuthority


BioBuilding Science Authority aides in the dissemination of topical cartography to emergency services after a catastrophic event. They do so by using unmanned aerial vehicle to map areas of disaster and areas of inaccessibility. After mapping is completed, triage is performed to locate buildings that should be deem uninhabitable due to structural integrity. All investigations are documented and available to EMS.
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Emergency Mgmt.,Civilian
CertificationsBuilding Science Investigator Mechanical Engineer - cac1819130 Level 3 Infrared Specialist
Agency or Base of Operationsn/a
Civilian Support TeamAuxiliary
Favorite QuoteWe point out in others, what we fear in ourselves.
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Networking,Basic Information
HeroesJoseph Lstiburek, Ken Siders, Norris Gearhart, Ken Larsen
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Word of Mouth