Christopher Till, P.E. @ChristopherTillPe


BioTown of Manchester Facilities Manager responsible for maintaining all buildings and infrastructure include the Police Department, Fire Departments and Emergency Operations Center. My division provides critical resources to support front-line personnel by ensuring their facilities support all aspects of their operations.
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Civilian
Rank/PositionDivision Head/Facilities Manager
Certifications40-hour OSHA; BOC Level III; Registered Professional Engineer
Agency or Base of OperationsManchester Public Works/EOC
Civilian Support TeamAuxiliary
Favorite Quote“Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is save one.” Abraham Lincoln
Why did I join USFRABasic Information,Enthusiast
HeroesAll first responders and emergency medical personnel
How Did You Hear About USFRA?LinkdIn