David Kinyon @DavidkinyonAtSbcglobalDotNet


LocationWestport, CT

Working 15 blocks from the World Trade Center buildings, after 9/11 I decided that I wanted to get more involved with my community and help out in the event of any disasters or emergencies.

What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Civilian
Rank/PositionVice President, Westport-Weston CERT
CertificationsUS Dept. of Homeland Security, FEMA, American Red Cross, Johns Hopkins University/COVID Contact Tracer, FBI New Haven Citizens Academy Alumni Association, CT Dept of Public Health, CT Fire Academy, Westport-Weston CERT, Westport Police Dept. Citizens' Academy
Agency or Base of OperationsWestport Fire Department, Westport, CT
Civilian Support TeamCERT,Citizen Corps
Favorite Quote
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Community Outreach,Networking,Training
HeroesFather, Police, Fire, Military
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Google