Elias I. Colon Robles @EliasIColonRobles


LocationSan Juan, Puerto Rico

Actual CPR/AED/First Aid Instructor, endorsed by Emergency Care & Safety Institute. Holds an active membership with FBI’s InfraGard Members Alliance – Puerto Rico Chapter, and volunteer member and Emergency Preparedness Community Instructor for Medical Reserve Corps Puerto Rico. Became certified as Helicopter Landing Operator by Embry-Riddle University and Antipodean Education Institute.

What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?EMS
Rank/PositionDirector / Senior Instructor
CertificationsCERT, CPR, First Aid, BLS, EMR, EMT-B, CHPA-III, MEMS-B, CHS-III
Agency or Base of OperationsPuerto Rico Safety Group
Civilian Support TeamCERT,MRC,Not For Profit Disaster Relief
Favorite QuoteTogether, we ALL can do more...!!!
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Networking,Training
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Another Web Site