Maryam D El-Sherif @MaryamDElSherif


BioI am a U.S. Navy Veteran, Volunteer Firefighter, First Responder, EMT Student, former Security Supervisor, and Military Harbor Operations Dispatcher. I have an AAS in Criminal Justice with an interest in Immigration. I am in the process of completing FEMA Courses of EMS / Incident Command / Hazmat. I just obtained - and am now also a Certified Peer Support Specialist - licensed in the State of Missouri - so that I may help my brothers and sisters in Public Safety to deal with mental stressors, but mostly trauma - with an interest in creating a group for Women Veteran's PTSD / Military Sexual Trauma...
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Fire-Rescue,EMS,Navy
Rank/PositionRetired U.S. Navy
Agency or Base of OperationsU.S. Naval Station Mayport / Olympia Fire Department / Cedar County First Responders
Civilian Support TeamNeighborhood Watch,Victim Services
Favorite Quote
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Community Outreach,Networking,Training,Fundraising,Basic Information,Volunteer Opportunities,Enthusiast
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Google,Surfing,Stumbled Upon