Maxwell Rosenstein @MaxwellRosenstein


BioI have 16 yrs of Law Enforcement experience, currently I’m working for a federal law enforcement agency in the office of intelligence
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Law Enforcement
CertificationsAnalysis 101 March 2019 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Basic Law Enforcement Intelligence Course January 2018 Department of the Army, Northeast Counterdrug Training Canter, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Open Source Tradecraft Training April 2018 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Open Source Intelligence & Digital Investigations June 2018 Los Angeles HIDTA / Los Angeles CLEAR HSI Intelligence Training Center August 2020 Basic Intelligence Training Course Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) December 2020 Special Operations Intelligence Course
Agency or Base of OperationsHQ
Civilian Support TeamAuxiliary
Favorite Quote“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Community Outreach,Networking,Training,Fundraising,Basic Information,Volunteer Opportunities,Enthusiast
HeroesI don’t mean to sound cocky, but there’s no such thing as a hero to me! People don’t go into the fire, EMS, Law Enforcement or the military to become heroes! We do our jobs because we love what we do.
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