Rik Middleton @RikMiddleton


BioI am continually looking for the next challenge, the next inspiring project, the next opportunity to serve others, and ensure a safer community to live and thrive. With a wide breadth of experience as both an entrepreneur and an emergency responder, I use the later skill set to develop emergency operation plans, goals, and achievable, measurable, and results-oriented goals. I’ve been told I have a philosophy for getting the most from any task I am given. My interest in emergency management began with my volunteer membership with Team Rubicon (TR). TR is a non-profit veteran lead disaster response. As a result of this association, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge, both practical (hands-on) as-well-as academic. The skills I have honed over my time with Team Rubicon and the city of Glendale, CA is focused on preparedness, safety, structure, and ingenuity..
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Fire-Rescue
Rank/PositionEmergency Services Coordinator
CertificationsFEMA certification Course Code Course Title o IS-029 Public Information Officer Awareness o IC100 An Introduction to Incident Command System o E-146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) o G-191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface o IC 200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incident o IC 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System o IC 800 An Introduction to National Response Framework o IC 300 Intermediate ICS 300 for Expanding Incidents o IC 400 Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents o IC 965 All-Hazards Resource Unit Leader o IC 954 All-Hazards Safety Officer o IC 956 All-Hazards Liaison Officer o O-305 All-Hazards (Type 3) Incident Management Team Course o IS-520 Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas Professional Development Series o E-101 Foundations of Emergency Management o E-102 Science of Disaster o E-103 Planning: Emergency Operations o E-105 Public Information and Warning o IS-120 An Introduction to Exercises o IS-130 How to be an Exercise Evaluator o IS-230 Fundamentals of Emergency Management o IS-235 Emergency Planning o IS-240 Leadership and Influence o IS-241 Decision Making and Problem Solving o IS-242 Effective Communication o IS-244 Developing and Managing Volunteers
Agency or Base of OperationsGlendale Fire Department Headquarters
Civilian Support TeamCERT,Not For Profit Disaster Relief
Favorite QuoteThe glass is neither half full or half empty, there's always something left in the glass. We call that Hope.
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Networking,Training
HeroesJesus Christ John Wayne Veterans
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Google,Surfing