Terrence Ridge @TerrenceRidge


BioPolice Officer/ Special Agent, with the City of Pittsburgh PD, Special Agent with Dept. Homeland Security. Also two tours with Blackwater industries. 34 years total.
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Law Enforcement
Rank/PositionMaster Patrolman / Special Agent
CertificationsCertified Investigator for child abuse, K-9, certified in explosives. S.W.A.T Team member , crisis negotiator. Sniper
Agency or Base of OperationsPittsburgh, PA / Washington, D.C. / Artesia, NM
Civilian Support TeamSERT,Neighborhood Watch,Auxiliary
Favorite QuoteTrain Hard, Fight Easy
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Networking,Training,Enthusiast
HeroesThomas Jefferson, My Father, Erik Prince, Roberto Clemente. Former partner Eric Kelly, killed in the line of duty in 2009.
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Facebook,Surfing,Another Web Site,Email