Thomas E. Hillery @ThomasEHillery


LocationSoutheastern USA

Deputy Commander - NC400 State Medical Assistance Team

Area Coordinator - NC ARES / AUXCOMM

Cert T-T-T

Search & Rescue volunteer

Non-sworn police volunteer

What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Emergency Mgmt.
Rank/PositionDeputy Commander
CertificationsSARTECH III Extra Class Amateur Radio Licensee AUXCOMM Trained
Agency or Base of OperationsNC400 State Medical Assistance Team - Duke University Medical Center
Civilian Support TeamCERT,MRC,Volunteers in Police
Favorite QuoteIt ain't easy being me - but somebody's got to do it!
Why did I join USFRAEducation
HeroesMy Parents, NYPD ESU
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Stumbled Upon