Tyler Achuff @TylerAchuff


BioMy name is Tyler Achuff I’ve been in Law Enforcement for about six years and worked everything from corrections to gang investigation. I’m also a United States Marine Corps Veteran, I did 5 years active duty in the infantry and received an Honorable Discharge.
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Law Enforcement,Army,Marines
CertificationsGeorgia Peace Officer Certification Precision Immobilization Technique Speed Detection Certification Basic Gang Investigator Certification Police Counter Sniper Certification K9 Handler Certification Glock Armor Certification Open Water Diver Certification Criminal, Narcotics, & Terrorist Interdiction
Agency or Base of OperationsHelen Police Department
Civilian Support TeamVolunteers in Police,Police Explorer
Favorite QuoteExcellence requires that you not be satisfied - Michael Ellis
Why did I join USFRAEducation,Community Outreach,Networking,Training,Fundraising,Basic Information,Volunteer Opportunities,Enthusiast
HeroesK9 Klaus
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Stumbled Upon