Wayne Eric Chew @WayneEricChew


BioSurgical Technologist. Working board member of non-profit that operates an Extreme Weather Shelter, Food Bank, and free medical clinic. B.A. in Health Care Studies, Grad work in Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management. Asst. Coordinator Street Medicine program. Community Emergency Response Instructor.
What Branch Of Public Safety Are You?Emergency Mgmt.
Rank/PositionCoordinator/Instructor/Board Member
CertificationsInfection Control, Surgical Technology, CERT, Bloodborne Pathogens, BLS, Massage Therapy.
Agency or Base of OperationsCarolina Trace EMS
Civilian Support TeamCERT,Not For Profit Disaster Relief,Citizen Corps,Fire Corps
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Why did I join USFRAEducation,Community Outreach,Networking,Fundraising,Volunteer Opportunities
How Did You Hear About USFRA?Instagram