Well its been a while since I last posted a blog, so here I go. I have been read way to much crap about what is going on in this country be it political or not. Things are just getting way to out of hand some don't like this person so let's blame him for everything and then there's others that say we will straighten everything out so put me in office and then when they do get in office they sit there and say Thank you and do nothing they told us they would do. And there are still others that have been in way to long and just don't care about us , oh sure they will tell you that they are working for you and me be look at the big picture they are making themselves richer and richer by passing bills that will help them in the long run. You can fact check this stuff and you will see what I am talking about also you can check on the bills and see how and what Bills they voted for and even how they voted. Another thing we can do is see what is in the the Bill other than what they tell us that is in the bill. You have the News stations that tell you only the bad stuff and not what really is going on and who is really do it. Wake up America , lets check before we case any doubt on each other. We send way to much overseas , we need to take care of or people here in the Good ole USA, we send our kids into battle and when they come home the government forgets all about how they kept us free, and if one of the military members ask for help we does the VA or the elected officials say not now or I don't have time for this. Well when do you have time , gee I went into war for you and gave you all my time but now you don't have time for me, Dam. They sure look for that vote in November and a hand out before November when all that Political crap comes in the mail. Well, I think I have said to much and I am sure I will get a back lash from members who say this shit doesn't happen well let me tell you , it happens we just don't see it or don't want to believe it happens. Next time you are out and about take a look over on the poor side of town and say hey I could be over here or if you see a persons sleeping on the street stop and think he may have been overseas protecting us or just down on their luck , yea they maybe a druggy but who stated they person on drugs, Doctors , and I am not say all Doctors are bad but they give us the pain meds we need and then yes we need to control how much and when to take them , yes its hard to get off some meds but if the VA and others would just say come on in lets talk. OK have a good day and why did you just run that Red light with out look both ways.
Take care all be safe and wear a mask
Bob Allard