Law Enforcement Central


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Meet Deputy Tyler Bentley

Posted by Fyre Walker - November 21, 2022 8:57 AM

“One of my favorite things about patrol are that I get to talk to people. My supervisors know I’m a bit chatty and sometimes find myself engulfed in talking to citizens on house checks, chatting on traffic stops or providing hidden gem locations to visitors of Pinellas County. I love it all!

”Deputy Tyler Bentley is assigned to North District Station and serves as a field training deputy. In this role he mentors and trains new recruits after they complete in-house training. “The Field Training program allows for me to work one on one with them in real world situations, answering calls for service ranging from the broken-down vehicle in the road to armed robberies in-progress. I look at it like I am the emergency lifeline if they have a question while on scene. The field training program here at PCSO gives you the skills to be able to handle anything this county throws at you.” Deputy Bentley finds the program to be very beneficial, allowing recruits to ask those questions they didn’t want to ask in a group setting and giving them the opportunity to get a true understanding of the job. He also takes pride in the process, knowing that it takes time but it helps recruits become better deputies. “Watching them call out their first traffic stop can be quite rough but after a few weeks they become proficient and you can’t help but smile knowing you had a tiny part in helping them succeed.

”Deputy Bentley started the first couple of years of his career with PCSO as a detention deputy. “I enjoyed my time in the jail as it taught me how to talk and interact with people from all backgrounds. When I first started at PCSO I was 23 years old and being a detention deputy gave me the confidence to stand in front of a large group of inmates and give clear instructions as to the rules and regulations expected of them. Most importantly, it taught me even though someone is in jail they are still a person and need to be treated with respect.”“Prior to working at PCSO, I was in the customer service industry. I worked at a restaurant in downtown Saint Petersburg and enjoyed talking with people while cracking the occasional jokes at the table. Again, being able to talk and connect with people from all walks of life is important to me.”When he’s not at work it’s all about family for Deputy Bentley. “My partner and son are the stability in my life. The Law Enforcement profession asks so much of you and adds stressors but being able to come home and hold my little man, poopy diaper and all, makes everything better. Nothing else in the world matters but family, I’m forever grateful for them.”“I have enjoyed the ride here so far at PCSO and look forward to the next couple decades serving the citizens of Pinellas County.”Thank you Deputy Bentley! We look forward to the next couple decades of you making us proud!

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