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FIREFIGHTERS URGENT BAILOUT-Dwelling Fire-Extreme Close Call-Video

Posted by Fyre Walker - July 01, 2024 1:08 PM

Yesterday in Lancaster County, PA, Garden Spot Fire Rescue and mutual aid partners, responded to a 1st alarm reported duplex fire with multiple calls indicating a working fire. Upon the arrival of the first chief officer, ladder, and engine, they had a working fire that appeared to be an “outside/in” fire where a fire on the porch advanced inside.

Additionally, upon arrival, bystanders indicated to arriving companies that the family was home. Members also encountered an injured/bleeding victim on the sidewalk.

The ladder crew made entry as the engine was advancing a line and while inside, as the video shows, the members had to evacuate immediately. All members have since been treated and released.

Fortunately, there were no victims inside. The injured person was a passerby who was injured while attempting to get into the house to warn possible victims, before the arrival of the firefighters.

The fire is under investigation by the Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshals.

There is also a tactical and fire behavior review being conducted and when completed, the details will be shared as a learned opportunity to all firefighters by the Garden Spot leadership.

VIDEO & PHOTOS PROVIDED TO FFCC - https://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/firefighters-urgent-bailout-dwelling-fire-extreme-close-call-video-the-secret-list/

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