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Passing of FCSN Washington State Member Bill Hoover

Posted by Fyre Walker - July 26, 2023 10:04 AM

From FCSN Washington State Director Eric Monroe:

It was with great sadness that I must share the news that Washington State Co-Founder and Co-Director Bill Hoover died alongside his loving wife Kristy in an automobile accident last Friday.

Bill and Kristy were truly an amazing couple who lit up the room with their smiles and laughter. When you read their facebook page posts, you will see how truly impactful and respected they were as a couple and family.

Throughout his career, Bill was instrumental in championing Health and Safety for firefighters in Washington State including the development of the PIIERS program for firefighters as well as Healthy In - Healthy Out. He was an active member of the Washington State Council of Firefighters Health and Safety Committee working on higher level opportunities like presumptive language and Fire Safety initiatives.

Bill has sat in many committee's, attended hours of meetings, and delivered countless presentations to address the cancer issue in the Fire Service throughout the state and as a cancer survivor himself, mentored many other firefighters when diagnosed with cancer.

Bill's unique leadership style, knowledge, professionalism, and humor will be missed by the members of FCSNWA and we will work hard to provide the services with the passion that Bill modeled for us.

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