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Texas Fire/EMS station destroyed by direct hit from tornado

Posted by Capt. Lewis - June 16, 2023 6:41 PM

The Perryton Fire Department took a “direct hit” from a deadly tornado.

Multiple tornadoes touched down around 5 p.m. Thursday, killing at least three people and injuring 75-100 others.

Perryton Fire EMS said one tornado was 1/4 mile wide and on the ground for at least a mile.

“Lives have been lost, and many homes and businesses lost!” said Perryton Fire EMS.

Among the buildings damaged is the Perryton Fire Department.

The department said it took a direct hit.

“Our trucks and ambulances are drivable! We have a lot of work in the days ahead to heal our community!” said Perryton Fire EMS.

The department thanked all the first responders that came from Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico to help out.

“Keep praying for Perryton. We were hit hard!” said Perryton Fire EMS.


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