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The FDNY Bureau of Training has published a Book of Remembrance

Posted by Fyre Walker - December 11, 2022 5:20 PM

The FDNY Bureau of Training has published a Book of Remembrance in honor of their/all of our fallen brothers and sisters who have the made the Supreme Sacrifice in the performance of their duties. This includes both their Fire and EMS members.
The goal of this book is to bring to light forgotten tragedies and provide learning points for current and future generations at all fire departments.

The book contains 100 Remembrance Bulletins discussing fires and emergencies that led to Line of Duty deaths. The 100 fires and emergencies chosen have transferable lessons to today. As is often said, experiences are transferable. We must never forget while learning from the experiences and lessons that these incidents provide.

They share the link to this book hope that others will learn from these incidents with the goal of preventing similar outcomes both with their department and each of ours.

FDNY Book of Remembrance

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