
Firefighter Marques Hudson - Plainfield Fire Department - LODD

Firefighter Marques Hudson Plainfield Fire Department Plainfield, New Jersey On Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, Firefighter Marques Hudson responded to a residential fire. While fighting the fire, he became ... Read More
residential fire non-life-threatening injuries rescued succumbed to injuries

Firefighter Cancer Month Starts Now

In partnership with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN), the IAFF has designated January as Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month to provide fire fighters the necessary tools and guidance to d... Read More
Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month Reduce Cancer Mitigation

Chief Robert Wysong - Clinton-Warren Joint Fire and Rescue District - LODD

Chief Robert Wysong Clinton-Warren Joint Fire and Rescue District Clarksville, Ohio On Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023, Chief Robert Wysong responded to a brush fire. After the call, he returned home. Later in... Read More
Clinton Memorial Hospital Miami Valley Care Flight brush fire unresponsive

Lieutenant Charles - Gallant Rye Fire Rescue - LODD

Lieutenant Charles "Chuck" Gallant Rye Fire Rescue Rye, New Hampshire On Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023, Lieutenant Charles “Chuck” Gallant worked an overtime shift at the station where he parti... Read More
Lieutenant Charles “Chuck” Gallant Heart Attack


We regret to pass on that a 30-year-old Emergency Medical Technician was struck and killed in the Line of Duty Saturday - at the scene of a traffic crash in Mobile, Alabama. Her crew just had happene... Read More
ASAP EMS EMT Mary “Katie” Pipkins traffic crash

Boston FF's Confront Gunfire

Earlier today, Boston FD (Local 718) Firefighters were involved in a critical incident while responding to a confirmed building fire at an apartment complex in Boston. During the course of that fire,... Read More
Boston FD Local 718 critical incident apartment complex gunfire

CRITICAL From IAFF & UL: Fire Response to Residential Battery Energy Storage System Runs

As the installation of residential energy storage systems (ESS) increases, the frequency of fire incidents involving these products will increase. To date, at least 60 residential ESS fire events hav... Read More
residential energy storage systems ESS fire events Firefighters and Fire Officers

Houston Fire Department Announces Free Medical Physicals & Cancer Screenings to HFD Firefighters

HOUSTON - The Houston Fire Department (HFD) began offering National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1582 compliant health and cancer screenings in October 2023 free of charge, to all uniformed mem... Read More
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1582 Fire Chief Sam Peña’s


We regret to pass on that Lt. Charles "Chuck" Gallant, a 20-year-veteran of Rye Fire Rescue in New Hampshire (near Portsmouth) died yesterday following an overtime shift. Lt. Gallant was pr... Read More
Rye Fire Rescue Paul W. Sypek Medal of Valor firefighter Mike Hirtle


A Marion County Fire Captain was injured while fighting a structure fire on Wednesday (yesterday) afternoon. Companies responded to Southeast 20th Place in Silver Springs for a fire in a mobile home... Read More
Silver Springs Captain Chris Trubelhorn Shands Teaching Hospital