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Meet Oxnard Police Department Officer Brenden Hawn!

Posted by Jesse James Jessup - July 11, 2022 1:09 PM

Officer Hawn was born in Manhattan, Kansas, and lived there for a few short years before moving to the Denver, Colorado area. He lived in Denver for most of his childhood and ultimately moved to the Los Angeles area in his early teens. In high school, Brenden’s mother suggested he enroll in a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course. While there, he met a Senior Deputy from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, who introduced him to the idea of law enforcement as a career and inspired him to enroll in the L.A.S.D. deputy explorer academy, which he later graduated from. After that, he had his eye on a career in law enforcement.

After high school, Brenden attended Arizona State University, where he received a Bachelor's Degree in Business with an emphasis on Public Service and Public Policy. While in college, he worked at a motorcycle shop, filling orders and assisting with online sales. After college, he worked with his father, who owns a photography equipment rental house and helped to load trucks with equipment for photoshoots. In 2018, a close friend of his, who is an officer in Oxnard, convinced him to apply to the Oxnard Police Department. He was hired and graduated from the academy in October of that same year.

So far, in his time with our Department, Officer Hawn has worked in patrol and as a range safety officer with the Firearms Training Unit. Regarding his role as an Oxnard Police Officer, Brenden says, “I love being able to be out and about in the community and working with community members to help solve their problems. Many people dread their jobs because of the monotony of them. Here, I get to experience something new every day and that is something that I love about this job. No call is ever the same. My favorite part about this career is having the opportunity to help those who truly need it and getting to do so with an amazing group of officers.

”On days off, he loves spending time with friends and family and exploring outdoors: camping, hiking, off-roading, the beach, and fishing. However, he’s had his hands a bit full recently. Brenden and his wife recently welcomed their first child: a baby girl!

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