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Lithium-Ion Info from FDNY Symposium

Posted by Fyre Walker - September 17, 2022 11:33 AM

With permission, we are passing along a Google Drive link (below) to information from the recent FDNY symposium.
Some overall take-a-aways from the 2 days of training:

  • A new Emergency EV Stop device will be released to the fire service in the next 6 weeks in the USA - already being used by FDNY after the incident where an FDNY Firefighter was pinned and their leg was broken. Recommend these for all crash scenes. No price was given but it's basically a dummy plug that shuts the vehicle down.
  • Li-Ion battery fires are something the fire service is woefully unprepared for - FDNY has had 250 this year alone.

  • Most Li-Ion battery fires start from damaged batteries and overcharging - remove as soon as charging is done. The process is called Thermal Runaway - they basically heat up too fast and then burn. ALL LI-ION batteries present this risk.

  • For Tesla/EV fires - it only takes about 60 GPM to cool the batteries and fight the battery fire in the battery area. It's about cooling, not about quantity.

  • The battery will fail violently when they start the fire or when it is impinged by fire. They will also cause the case/container to fail as well.

  • Battery fires - or batteries that have been heated, but not failed are an "Haz-Mat" type clean-up

Batteries have been known to fail 3 weeks after fire impingement and FDNY has had several batteries rekindle. Also attached are the FDNY response SOG and a good WNYF article on the topic. Thanks to the FDNY Training Division for sharing this information.


Here is additional and updated information from the FDNY and google drive: Lithium-Ion Batteries: Challenges for the Fire Service. The FDNY foundation symposium was presented with our partners from the NFPA and UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute.

The Symposium Google Drive includes:
-Presentation Summaries and videos.-Instructor Bio’s-Additional training offerings from UL’s FRSI & NFPA-Vendor and product information discussed during the symposium & who supported the symposium.-FDNY Publications including “Tips From Training” WNYF articles, training videos, and FDNY Pro Podcasts.

The FDNY and its partners are presenting this material to inform the community about this new challenge for the fire service.
Some phenomenal information applies to each and every one of us, our departments, and those we protect.

Source: The Secret List

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