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A family tradition is taking shape at the Fort Walton Beach Fire Department

Posted by Capt. Lewis - July 29, 2024 8:36 AM

A family tradition is taking shape at the Fort Walton Beach Fire Department. Gavin Westmoreland, son of Fire Department Captain Justin Westmoreland, recently joined the department where his father has worked for the past 25 years.

Justin had no family connections to the fire service when he decided to make a career of it shortly after high school. He was looking at jobs in the military, law enforcement, and emergency medical services when he was approached by a recruiter from Pensacola Junior College, who sold him on the fire service.

“They really talked it up and the moment I got in there I loved it,” said Justin. “I knew, that’s what I wanted to do.”

Gavin, on the other hand, essentially grew up surrounded by a community of firefighters. And while his decision to join the fire service was relatively recent, he said it was always something on the back of his mind.

“It was like a second family to me,” explains Gavin, who recently graduated from Northwest Florida State College’s fire academy and EMS school. “These guys have watched me grow up.”

City regulations precluded Justin and Gavin from ever working together. They're at different stations and work completely different shifts. But Gavin will be working for and with many people he considers extended family and admits he does feel a little pressure as a rookie firefighter not to disappoint them.

“I expected it (the pressure) coming into it,” said Gavin. “But I knew what I was getting into, I was prepared for it, and I’m excited nonetheless.”

And while they won’t be working together, Justin still beams with pride at having his son follow in his footsteps.

“I’m very proud of him,” said Justin. “He’s always been determined and when it came to this, I could tell he really wanted to become a firefighter.”

But Justin has also had to sit on his fatherly impulses to help.

“I try not to get into his business,” said Justin. “I want him to be able to build his own experience.”

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